Ah, I miss the good old days when my full-time job was "student" and I thought that was hard enough. By the time I got to nursing schools, those days were gone. I was struggling with the need to study enough and the need to have enough money for food. I was working 8, 12, and the occasional 16-hour shift as a nurse's aide. Even if you're not in healthcare, the odds are that you will have to at least work part time to maintain the minimum on your bills. How do you balance that need to make money with study time?

1. Plan ahead.
As soon as you get the syllabus for the class, take a look at the test dates. Block out a few days before them as days when you should NOT pick up work or that you need to take off. Hopefully, your job will help to provide some flexibility if you need it around your class schedule. Emphasize that this is an important test you need to study for and that you absolutely cannot work those dates. Give them as far in advance as you can.
2. Bring your studying to work.
Most jobs have at least a little downtime. Use it to your advantage! Tuck a few flashcards in your pocket to look at when you're waiting on hold on the phone. Use your break to review material from a textbook instead of reviewing your Facebook feed. You never know when you will get stuck at work for whatever reason. Keep your study tools with you to be prepared for unexpected study time!
3. Don't let your job ruin your chances of a future.
If your job isn't the least bit flexible in accounting for students, consider getting a new job even if it doesn't equal the old one in pay- it may be worth it for the added wiggle room. If a class is coming up that you KNOW will be incredibly challenging for you, consider taking a hiatus from the job for up to a month if you can swing it.
Last but not least, consider a personal or student loan. This is an option that you must consider only when switching jobs is not an option and your school situation is serious indeed. The fact remains, however, that if you know you can't be a successful student and hold a job, don't put yourself in that situation. It'll only result in failed classes and wasted time/money.