So you're the parent in this case?
We can help with that.
Perhaps the only thing worse than being the student who has to study for an incredibly hard test is being the parent who watches and feels completely helpless. Nursing school was hard enough, and now they have this one last hurdle to job security. Sure, you can pay $499 for the Kaplan course, but that's only refundable if the student fails (and they love to nitpik so that you don't actually get your money back...). NCLEX Simplified is 100% refundable at any point. If you're not happy, you get your money back, no questions asked. Plus, we're way more reasonable in the first place with options that range from $40 to $149 a month and no more.
NCLEX Simplified will help your student by supplying only the information he or she needs to pass the NCLEX without any extra fluff. We have it down to a science, nay, an art form. An NCLEX Simplified membership lasts only as long as they need it while delivering supreme study help and mental support.
Reasons you should accept help from NCLEX Simplified
We have a tried and true method. Over 200 students have used our live tutoring to get the help they need. Countless more have bought the textbook and passed on their own. Read our Facebook reviews - our course drills down to the basics without making you feel dumb. Try us!
The NCLEX is hard, but prep with us makes it easier. You might get up to 265 questions over the course of six hours. Graduates of NCLEX Simplified, on the other hand, tend to pass in 75 to 125 questions and spend less than two hours at the test center. Why go the harder route if you don't have to?
Feeling like a helpless bystander on the sidelines sucks. Let us help. The small investment needed for NCLEX Simplified will be well worth the career path available once that license is in their hand. You've already invested in their education with all of nursing school - don't let that go to waste at the last obstacle! We've got your back on this.