So you're a graduate nurse?
We can help with that.
You've nearly finished nursing school or just graduated, yet none of that matters (*cry*) because you still need to pass your NCLEX. We know exactly what you need to study up on and what you don't need to waste your time with. In fact, we'll do you one better- we'll study with you. Get the help you need through an NCLEX Simplified membership that lasts only as long as you need it while delivering supreme study help and mental support.
Reasons you should accept help from NCLEX Simplified
We have a tried and true method. Over 200 students have used our live tutoring to get the help they need. Countless more have bought the textbook and passed on their own. Read our Facebook reviews - our course drills down to the basics without making you feel dumb. Try us!
The NCLEX is hard, but prep with us makes it easier. You might get up to 265 questions over the course of six hours. Graduates of NCLEX Simplified, on the other hand, tend to pass in 75 to 125 questions and spend less than two hours at the test center. Why go the harder route if you don't have to?
Keep your job. Many graduate nurses like you already have slots on various units and are just waiting to pass their NCLEX to begin work. If that's you... don't lose your position! Pass the first time and get past it so that you can start paying back those nursing school bills with $$$. It's just that simple.